If you live in Los Angeles, you've certainly noticed the unusual five straight days of rain we've been having. While the rain and holidays have slowed construction on the Cullen Street Homes Small Lot Subdivision this week, we thought we'd fill you in on the foundation progress from the last few weeks.
Let's start with the form work that was in on 12.06.10
Foundation forms and rebar
Foundation forms and rebar
The gap between the small lot homes
Once the forms and rebar were in place and passed inspection, the foundations were poured. Photos below are from 12.10.10.
Foundations and site plumbing
The plumbing running underground and into the homes
Gap between foundations for adjacent units. Note the two steel plates ready to accept the steel columns.
Foundations for Home A. Everything looks very small at this stage. The skinny rectangle in the foreground is the stair up to the second floor.
While we were shooting photos of the foundations, LADWP was installing a new fire hydrant across the street. The developer had to pay for this new fire hydrant as one of the permit conditions.
After the foundations were in place, prep work began for the ground floor slabs. Photos below are from 12.15.10.
Note the rebar and sand where the future slabs will be poured
Close up of slab rebar
The job site sign on the front fence to let passerby know what we're up to.
The Cullen Street Homes is a three parcel Small Lot Subdivision in Los Angeles scheduled to be complete in Fall 2011. Small Lot Subdivision is an ordinance in Los Angeles that permits property to be subdivided into small fee simple lots. To learn more about Small Lot Subdivision, download one of our free informative guides.
Los Angeles Architects, Modative specialize in Small Lot Subdivision.
For more construction photos, check out the Modative Architecture facebook page.