To launch the Small Lot Subdivision Blog, I thought we'd offer up a quick introduction into what Small Lot in Los Angeles is all about. Enjoy.
The Small Lot Ordinance
The City of Los Angeles enacted the Small Lot Ordinance (No. 17354) in December of 2004. The ordinance allows the construction of smaller, fee-simple housing in multi-family zones.
Not Your Typical Condo or Townhouse
The residents of a Small-Lot home actually own the land the unit sits on. Since the ordinance does not allow for common foundations or shared, or common, walls between units, there is no Homeowners Association needed or any of the typical fees associated with condominium ownership.
Smaller Lots
The City of Los Angeles is pushing developers and property owners to utilize the Small Lot Ordinance as a smart-growth alternative to the suburban single-family home or typical condominium development. You can create smaller residential lots than previously allowed. It is also now easier to provide a creative alternative to the typical, and often unappealing, condominium unit or overpriced and over-sized single-family residential property.
Get Something Back
For those willing to take advantage of this new ordinance, the code offers breaks from the usual stringent code requirements. The ordinance grants reduced setback requirements as well as other breaks on often strenuous site requirements that can severely limit the number of units you are able to develop on the typical multi-family residential lot.
Small Lot Subdivision Architects
This blog is provided by Modative, modern architects in Los Angeles with extensive experience designing and entitling Small Lot Subdivision projects. We also offer free and informative Small Lot Subdivision downloads.