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Accessory Dwelling Units

What are Accessory Dwelling Units?

Also known as Granny Flats, Accessory Dwelling Units ( ADUs ) are independent second dwelling units on your property.



What is an ADU?
  • Also known as a Granny Flat or Backyard Home, an Accessory Dwelling Unit is an independent second dwelling unit on a property.  
  • These units can be attached to an existing house or detached as a separate structure.
  • ADUs can be constructed on any lot zoned for residential use.
  • Backyard homes can be legally rented.
Los Angeles ADUs - New Standards

 Starting January 1, 2017, the rules regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in California and Los Angeles have changed for the better including very favorable parking requirements. Most properties can now accommodate an ADU.



ADU Opportunity
ADU's are a huge opportunity for individual home owners to provide new housing units in their own backyard. Homes that can serve as a:
ADU Granny Flat Elderly Home.png
Granny Flat

Nearby, yet private residence for an elderly relative

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Crash Pad

Home for a young adult working towards affording their own place

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Additional income though long or short term rentals

Modative is a design/build operation in Los Angeles for detached, ground-up ADUs and garage conversions. 
We are a one-stop-shop with semi-custom, predesigned models. Modative handles all aspects of the process, including:
ADU Architects
We've been designing small, yet efficient, homes since our founding in 2006.
ADU Features
We partner with the best structural, electrical, and civil engineers in town to ensure your ADU is safe and energy efficient.
ADU Get Started
Permit Processing
Our secret weapon is that we're really good at the boring stuff too, like expeditiously permitting your ADU.
ADU Builder
Our experienced construction team will bring your ADU from concept to reality.
ADU Bathrooms
Finish & Fixture Options
We offer a range of finish options to customize your ADU. Enough to keep it interesting without being overwhelming.
ADU Budget
Financing Partnerships
We partner with local lenders that can offer you great financing options on your backyard home.

Something Powerful

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The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.
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